I want to share you to how are deploy dynamic multi levels in hierarchy Viewer Component using ArrayList class,you can implement normal hierarchy Viewer or tree or treeTable by reading oracle documentation.
Actually the hierarchy Viewer Component show nodes according to the relation between tables,so if the relation between emp and dept table show only tow levels
We depend on arraylist class in java.util package to create dynamtic treemodel which are bounded as value to hierarchyViewer Component , so we can create mutli parent nodes and mutli child nodes as in the below picture.
I deploy one project which show all links in determined URL as tree, i depend on json file jar which fetch html code and get all links and pictures for URL..
In this issue i create recursive function which fetch all the links in URL and insert every link in one hierarchy Viewer Item object in current arraylist and call same function with first one link from current arraylist as parameter . by this function i create multi array list as tree .
public void Serach(ArrayList parent, String url,
int k)
Document docWebSite;
try {
//check if Current URL Vaild
// limited the Recusive to 3 three
if ((k == 3) || (!isValidURL(url)))
//fetch current web site as data
docWebSite = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
// get all links
Elements links = docWebSite.select("a[href]");
for (Element link : links) {
hierarchyViewerItem node1 =
new hierarchyViewerItem(link.text(), link.attr("href"),
ArrayList node1Children =
new ArrayList();
// Recusive Function
Serach(node1Children, link.attr("href"), k + 1);
} catch (IOException e) {
Th project show the URL links in hierarchy Viewer Component ,every link represents one node. also show all images in URL in carousel Component.
The sample can be downloaded from
To impove this project , we need add image Component in hierarchy Viewer Component which has web page as picture not html code , so if anyone has experince how we convert web page to picture in ADF , you can write his comments about that.